Peer Support Discussion Forums

CCASA is very excited to announce the opening of our ‘Peer Support Discussion Forum’. This forum is here to give survivors of sexual abuse and sexual assault as well as support persons an opportunity to connect with others dealing with these issues. We are very excited about this incredible opportunity for peer support and to […]
Congratulations Alison Redford

“…the province changed some time ago, and politics is catching up with it” – Alison Redford. CCASA would like to congratulate and welcome Alison Redford as Alberta’s new Premier designate. We are excited to work alongside her leadership as she is a strong advocate for non profit organizations and recognizes their value to community members. […]
“To vote or not to vote… that is the question”

With the up and coming Progressive Conservative (PC) Association of Alberta leadership election on September 17th 2011, Albertan’s have the opportunity to choose the individual who will serve as the Leader of the Alberta PC party and thus the Premier of Alberta (at least until there is another provincial general election). With it being a […]
2010 Annual Report and much more….

CCASA just celebrated its 2010 Annual General Meeting and it was a great chance to look back on the past year and celebrate our successes. We are saying goodbye to two of our long time board members – Katherine Bowden, Vice Chair and Harry Gabel, Secretary. We cannot thank these two individuals enough for their […]
Launching our new youth website TODAY

CCASA could not be more excited about the official launch of our new youth website Today at 10:30AM CCASA’s Youth4Change Team will be unveiling the new website to media at the Kahanoff Centre (2nd floor, 1202 Centre Street SE). Later in the evening we will be celebrating with anyone who wants to come and be […]
New Youth Website

CCASA is so excited to tell you about our new Youth Website – Today our Youth4Change team who has been working on this website for the past 2 1/2 years unveiled the new youth website to the media this morning. We had a fantastic media turnout so tune into your local media (660News, CTV, CityTv, […]
Join us for the closing Gala event for kickstART – an art auction.

On April 27 Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse (CCASA) held its first fundraiser – kickstART, an art auction. Guests enjoyed wine and cheese while viewing the unique pieces of art which are available to bid on through our online silent auction until 4:00PM this Friday. CCASA is now excited to invite everyone to attend our […]
Manor Renovations is giving CCASA a new kitchen today!

In December last year CCASA made a plea to the public for donations to keep our programs running. We received an incredible amount of support from the community and one phone call that is giving us a new kitchen today. CCASA moved offices in January this year and needed some changes made to the kitchen […]
kickstART artists

CCASA would like to thank all the fantastic artists who graciously donated to this event. Learn more about them below. These artists each donated a pieces(s) of their work to CCASA for our online silent auction. To bid on the art please visit our online silent auction at: and click ‘View an Auction’ Auction Username: kickstART […]
kickstART a HUGE success

Fantastic turnout for kickstART tonight! CCASA would like to thank everyone who came out to STONEWORX GALLERY at Art Central tonight to support our art auction and first fund-raising event ever! We had a fantastic turnout and everyone enjoyed wine and cheese and a wonderful opportunity to view some incredible pieces of art. If you […]