Sexual Violence Awareness Month

May is Sexual Violence Awareness Month Sexual Violence Awareness Month (SVAM) is a time to raise awareness of sexual violence, create spaces of support for those impacted and commit to making meaningful changes to end sexual violence. This year’s theme of this years campaign is ‘Change Begins With You’. This campaign calls on each person […]
COVID-19 Update

Update as of April 12, 2021 Due to the recently announced restrictions and the third wave of COVID, we have enhanced our safety protocols and continue to offer all of our services. At this time, CCASA is able to provide all of our services with modifications. Alberta’s One-Line for Sexual Violence is available at 1-866-403-8000. […]
Workshop Learning Series

We’re excited to announce that we will be offering a working learning series for Sexual Violence Awareness Month. We hope you join us in these important conversations to learn about sexual violence and learn what you can do to help. All of our workshops 1.5 hours and are free of charge, reflective and interactive. They […]
Fundraising Shaw Birdies for Kids Presented by AltaLink

Make your donation go even further with matching up to 50%! CCASA is excited to announce that we have been selected to participate in Shaw Birdies for Kids presented by AltaLink.
Man Enough? Workshop Series

Man Enough?™ will explore different ways to challenge ourselves, stand up, speak out, and influence others to create meaningful change in our communities. Discussion-based group aimed to engage men as allies in preventing violence against women. We’ll discuss expectations of masculinity and its impacts on our social relationships. Throughout the program we’ll navigate the diverse […]
Upcoming Workshops

COMMUNITY WORKSHOPS We’re excited to announce that we will be offering a community workshop. We hope you join us in these important conversations to learn about child sexual abuse and what you can do to help. All of our workshops are free of charge, reflective and interactive. They are currently being hosted online using the […]
COVID-19 Update

Update as of November 27, 2020 Due to the recently announced restrictions, we have made modifications to our services until at least mid-December. At this time, CCASA is able to provide all of our services with modifications. Alberta’s One-Line for Sexual Violence is also available at 1-866-403-8000. Anyone can call or text this number, or […]