Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Both the CCASA Support and Information Line (403-237-5888) and Alberta’s Online (1-877-237-5888) are available 7 days a week from 9:00am – 9:00pm.
CCASA schedules daytime counselling appointments, and can accommodate some evening appointments (call to find out which evenings)
We are located in downtown Calgary:
Northland Building
7th Floor, 910 7th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 3N8
See parking areas near our building indicated in the map below, or call us for more information.
Check out: https://www.calgaryparking.com or give us a call!
CCASA has a number of brochures available online:
- CCASA Agency
- Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault Services
- What to do (when someone you know has been sexually assaulted)
- Calgary Sexual Assault Response Team (CSART)
- Police And Court Support
- Volunteer
- CCASA Agency Card
- CCASA Student Service Card
- Education & Training
- Who Do You Tell?
Please contact us to request printed brochures.
Support Services (SART, counselling, Police & Court)
To access counselling or police & court support, you will need to complete an intake. The intake is where you will have a discussion with a member of our staff about what is going on for you, what you feel you need at this point and what you would like from counselling; you do not need to share specific details of sexual violence that happened to you. Your information is kept completely confidential and private. To complete an intake, call 403-237-5888 Monday to Friday between 9:00am – 5:00 pm. Intakes typically take between 20-30 mins.
The Calgary Sexual Assault Response Team (CSART) is available to anyone who has experienced sexual assault in the past 168 hours. The Team can be accessed at any emergency room or urgent care centre in Calgary. The main location is at the Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre, but the service is mobile and can travel to other emergency rooms or urgent care centres within Calgary. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have any questions, call 403-237-5888.
To access counselling or police and court services, you must first complete a counselling intake over the phone with one of our Support Counsellors. The support counsellors will ask you a series of questions about your general experience (specific details not necessary) and what you need or are looking for through counselling, assess your safety, and identify supports. The intake process can be difficult and we encourage you to call from a place that you feel safe and have a support person with you, if needed.
To complete an intake, call 403-237-5888 Monday to Friday between 9:00am – 5:00 pm. Intakes are typically between 20-30 mins.
On your first visit, we ask that you come 15 mins early. We also ask that you let us know if you need to cancel or rebook your appointment. It can be helpful to write down what you want to say if needed, or any concerns or questions that you have.
Counselling and Police and Court services are primarily offered in English, but arrangements for an interpreter can be made if needed. Alberta’s One Line for Sexual Violence has translation services offered in 200 languages.
All of the services offered at CCASA are confidential and private.
- No personal information will be given to anyone outside of CCASA unless you give written permission to your counsellor and specify the type of information you want released, who to release it to, and the reason you want it to be released will be discussed with you. The agency has a form you must fill out and sign before your information can be released. These are in place to ensure we protect your privacy.
For counselling specifically:
- Your counsellor may wish to discuss your counselling with their supervisor or other counselling team members to make certain they are providing you with the best service possible. This will be discussed with you beforehand.
- Your counsellor may ask your permission to record your session on video or audiotape for supervision reasons. These possibilities will be discussed with you at the time and will only be done with your consent.
There are certain instances in which information cannot be kept confidential and may be released without your permission:
- If you tell your counsellor that a child (person under 18 years) or a dependent adult has been or may be emotionally, physically, or sexually abused, or is being neglected. We are legally bound to report this information to the appropriate authorities.
- If you tell your counsellor that you plan to harm yourself or someone else. Your counsellor may need to call the appropriate authorities, such as local police or emergency medical services.
- If CCASA receives a subpoena for your file from the legal system. Should that happen, we will protect the file and your privacy to the best of our ability. We will try to inform you of the subpoena, and refer you to legal counsel.
- If you are attending counselling by order of a court of law with a requirement to release information to the court.
CCASA offers free individual counselling services, and police and court support services. There may be a small fee for group counselling based on a sliding fee scale. Please discuss any circumstances that make fee payment difficult with your counsellor.
CCASA books appointments for anyone affected by the various forms of sexual harassment, sexual abuse and sexual assault, for people of all colour, race, ability, sexual orientation, religion, education, socio-economic status, or gender. This includes friends, family and other people who would like to support the person who experienced sexual violence.
Education & Training
All of CCASA’s education and training programs are free of charge.
You can either book by submitting our Workshop Request form or by calling us at 403-237-5888. Our workshops are available to both individual community members
Anyone! We welcome anyone who is interested in learning more about sexual violence or ways to support someone who is impacted. We have an array of workshops available with no previous knowledge necessary. View a list of our workshops here.
How to Contribute
Click here to learn all of the ways you can get involved with CCASA, including Volunteering, donating, or joining our Board of Directors.
Visit our Donate page for details.
Visit our Careers page for current job openings.
Yes! CCASA works with accredited institutions to provide students in the field of social work, counselling or other areas related to the organization’s work an opportunity to gain valuable practical experience. Click here to learn more about our Student Placement & Practicums.
About Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault
Canadian law has a broad definition of sexual assault that includes any unwanted sexual contact without consent and that can range from unwanted sexual touches, kissing, or forced intercourse. All forms of sexual behavior wherein a person is forced, tricked, or coerced into sexual acts without their consent or is left feeling violated sexually are included within the definition of sexual violence.
If an individual has been sexually assaulted, there are so many different reactions that may occur. Some of those reactions can include:
- Problems with sleeping
- Problems with eating
- Physical symptoms (injuries, nausea, headaches)
- Flashbacks
- Recurring thoughts about the assault or “what if?” scenarios
If an individual has been sexually assaulted, they may feel:
- Guilt
- Shame
- Helpless
- Shock
- Emotional numbness
- Confusion
This is not an exhaustive list; All different types of feelings and reactions can happen. It is important that individuals receivesupport and information to reduce the isolating effects of sexual violence.
If you have experienced sexual assault, be patient with your recovery. You may go through several different emotions after the sexual assault. Give yourself permission to take the time needed to heal. The healing may take days or years.
At CCASA, we provide free emotional support to those who have been sexually abused or assaulted through our Support and Information Line. We’re here to help when and if you need us. We also offer counselling to those who know someone who has been sexually assaulted, as well as referrals to other agencies.
CCASA recognizes that the impacts of sexual violence affects not only the person who experiences it, but also their friends, family and partners. Anyone impacted by sexual violence, including support persons, can access CCASA’s services.
There are a number of ways you can support someone who has experienced sexual violence:
- Believe them. Believe what they tell you and make sure they know what happened is not their fault. Recognize that the person who was sexually abused is not to blame. Only the person choosing to use sexual violence is responsible. No matter what, no one asks for it or deserves to be sexually assaulted. People often feel guilt and shame when they’ve experienced a sexual assault. Those feelings are attributed to not feeling supported or they can stem from the myths and misinformation that is so pervasive when it comes to sexual assault. [online resources: sexual assault myths and facts pagelink]
- Respect their physical and emotional boundaries and acknowledge their fears. Time may be required to build up a healthy sense of safety again. Do not pressure them to make decisions, or make decisions for them. Support what they decide to do after the assault.
- Be understanding. Understand that any emotion or lack of emotion is a common response to trauma. It is more important to talk about how they are feeling rather than the details of the assault. You do not need to know all of the details of what happened in order to support someone.
- Be encouraging and offer to help connect them to services and resources if needed. Ask them what they need and how you can best support them. Try to avoid pressuring them into doing anything they are not ready to do, even if it is what you think is best for them. Give them choices and let them decide.
Remember to get help for yourself, too. People who are supporting someone who has experienced any form of sexual violence may also need support. Being understanding of the feelings of the person you are supporting does not mean you have to take responsibility for their feelings. The person who has experienced assault is not responsible, and neither are you.
Please contact the CCASA support and information line at 403-237-5888 for more information.
If you have experienced a sexual assault within the past 96 hours, you can access services from the Calgary Sexual Assault Response Team (CSART). The CSART team is a 24-hour service that works in partnership between CCASA, Alberta Health Services – Calgary Region, Calgary Police Service, area RCMP, and the Crown Prosecutor’s office. Anyone seeking the CSART team services gets the option of what services they want to access. This means a person seeking services can choose to only seek medical attention, only seek emotional support, only speak with police, or seek any combination of services. The CSART team provides specialized care to individuals who have been sexually assaulted and is primarily based through the Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre and can travel to other hospitals when required. For more information, visit our Sexual Assault Response Team page.
If more than 96 hours have passed since the sexual assault, other options for medical attention and emotional support are available. CCASA offers support and counselling to anyone who has been impacted by sexual violence. We also offer police and court support if you are considering or choosing to report to the police.
A child under the age of 18 is sexually abused if they are inappropriately exposed or subjected to sexual contact, activity or behaviour, including prostitution related activities.[1] Statistics demonstrate that one in three Albertans (34%) experienced sexual abuse while they were under the age of 18.[2]
[1] The Child, Youth, and Family Enhancement Act
Children may or may not tell you directly if they are experiencing child sexual abuse. Often, children don’t tell anyone they are being abused because they don’t have the language or vocabulary, they may be scared, or they may have been threatened not to tell anyone. A child’s first attempt to tell you about abuse may be indirect and vague. They might say that they don’t like when a relative comes over anymore. This in itself does not mean abuse is occurring. But, it is an opportunity to check in with the child to see the reason behind their statement.
If you suspect that a child is experiencing or has experienced child sexual abuse, consider the following ways to talk to the child:
- Try to remain calm and control your reaction. Having an emotional reaction to learning about a child experiencing sexual abuse is normal and understandable. Be transparent with that reaction and explain that you’re not upset with the child, but upset at what happened to the child.
- Tell the child that you believe them and that it’s not their fault. Let the child know that you will try to help them.
- Ask open-ended questions. Let the child tell you the information. For example, “Can you tell me what happened?” or, “Can you tell me who did this?”
- Try talking in a space that is private and safe.
Every adult is responsible by law to report a suspected case of child abuse. The exception is if you are the child’s parents and are willing and able to keep your child safe. This exception exists to keep children safe and for the family to have discretion of whether or not they want to go through the reporting process. If you have questions or are unclear on your reporting obligations, call Alberta Family and Social Services or CCASA.
Alberta Family and Social Services
403-297-2995 (24 hrs.)
Drug facilitated sexual assault is when someone gives “drugs” to another person without their consent in order to make it easier to sexually assault them. “Drugs” refers to any substance that inhibits a person’s ability to understand what is happening to them and to say no. Some drugs commonly referred to as “date rape drugs” are Ketamine (Special K), GHB, Rohypnol, Burundanga (Scopalamine), but the most prevalent date rape drug is alcohol.

Still Have Questions?
Reach out and ask us anything via our contact form. We are here to help.