Explore our resources on sexual violence or call our Support & Information Line if you need support or have any questions.
Support & Information Line 403-237-5888

We are committed to leading the conversation around sexual violence and providing accurate and accessible information.
We offer a range of services to support communities and individuals in addressing sexual violence.


What is Sexual Violence?
Sexual Violence is any violence, physical or psychological, carried out through
sexual means or by targeting sexuality, gender identity or gender expression. Sexual Violence is an umbrella term for sexual assault, sexual harassment, and child sexual abuse

Child Sexual Abuse & Parent Resources
Education is imperative to make sure that children, youth and the primary educators in their lives all have accurate information. Explore our recommended book lists for children and parents/caregivers.
How To Be Supportive...
Talking about an experience of sexual violence can be hard for everyone and its not always easy to know how to respond. When someone you know and care about has experienced any form of sexual violence, it is normal to feel saddened, upset and confused. Sexual violence does not just impact the person who has experienced it, it also impacts their support system.
Criminal Justice System & Reporting
For many people who have experienced sexual abuse and sexual assault, choosing to engage in the criminal or civil legal systems is a difficult and overwhelming decision. It is full of language and lengthy processes that you may not be familiar with.
If you have questions about legal options, processes related to a recent or past sexual assault and this program please call 403-237-5888 or email info@calgarycasa.com.