CCASA Staff are Troopers

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On Friday, December 4, 2009, CCASA held its annual winter holiday celebration, and this year it was a scavenger hunt. Staff dressed in costumes, and braved a blizzard to collect and photograph themselves with the items listed in Bob & Doug McKenzie’s 12 Days of Christmas. The rivalry was fierce: Team Mutant Ninja Scavengers completed the task in […]

Mythbusting Monday: Most Male offenders are homosexual

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Rachel Maddow of MSNBC did a segment December 8, 2009 regarding the proposed Ugandan law that could see homosexuals put to death for their sexual orientation, and another segment with an author of a book, in which the author states that homosexuality can be “healed” or “corrected”. Read the transcript of the show. Among the many […]

From Collaborate to Connect

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As a partner of the Calgary Collaborative Services Centre, CCASA is proud to announce the centre’s new name, 24-hour phone number, and website: 403-237-5888 (in Calgary) 1-877-237-5888 (toll-free in Alberta)  Connect Family and Sexual Abuse Network is a partnership between Calgary and area service providers who are working together to make it easier for people affected […]

Mythbusting Monday: Child pornography is simply images of nude children

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New Democrat Peter Julian has tabled a bill in parliament that calls for tougher sentences for anyone who makes, distributes, possesses, or accesses child pornography. CCASA supports the tougher penalties outlined in Julian’s Bill. The term child pornography is an inadequate description – these are not simply images of naked children, they are images of child […]

Mythbusting Monday: disparaging humour is harmless fun

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A Psychology professor from Western Carolina University has completed a research study that indicates sexist humour is more likely to ‘release’ sexist behavior than sexist statements will. At CCASA we understand that derogatory humour is part of the violence continuum. Whether the subject matter is about gender, sexual orientation, ability, race, class, religion or socio-economic status, this […]

Mythbusting Monday: sexual assault is about sex

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A man convicted of sexually assaulting a 91-year-old-woman suffering from dementia in a nursing home is to remain in prison. Read the article here. One of the more pervasive myths of sexual assault is that only young, sexually provocative or alluring women are assaulted, but staff at CCASA know this is far from the truth: anyone […]

CCASA in the Calgary Herald

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Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse is the only organization in Calgary that exclusively specializes in helping people affected by sexual abuse, so it makes sense that Danielle Aubry, CCASA’s Executive Director, would share her expertise about the subject. She has written an opinion piece which was published recently in the Calgary Herald. Read what she […]

Youth 4 Change

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Under the guidance of CCASA’s Volunteer Coordinator Shannon Clark, we have hired a cadre of young people to help us explore and understand how sexual violence impacts youths in Calgary. Although they have only been here a few weeks, the members of this Youth4Change project have already taken the bull by the horns. Get to […]

“Who Do You Tell?”™ Program

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The “Who Do You Tell?”™ (“WDYT?”™) Program is a child sexual abuse education program for elementary school children, their teachers and parents. Two experienced educators deliver the “WDYT”™ program in elementary schools to individual classes from Kindergarten to Grade six. The program has the approval of the Public and Catholic Boards of Education. The magnitude […]