kickstART an Art Auction

CCASA is excited to to be holding its first fund-raising event on Wednesday April 27, 2011…an art auction. Many incredible artists have been donating their pieces to us and we will be featuring a wine and cheese event to showcase their unique pieces. The event will be held at STONEWORX Gallery in Art Central from […]
Responding to Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault 2-Day Training Course

This 2 day training will provide participants with education and skill development in responding to disclosures of sexual abuse and sexual assault. Topics will include definitions, and myths and laws regarding child sexual abuse, adults who were sexually abused as children, and adults who are sexually assaulted. Participants will be trained in the immediate and […]
CCASA on Facebook & Twitter

CCASA has lots of exciting things coming up this year and everyday we are talking to the community about what’s going on in this field. If you would like to join us on Facebook or Twitter click the buttons below and start today! Our Facebook page is “Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse” and our Twitter […]
CCASA in the news – dangerous sexual offender to be released

The release of a dangerous sexual offender after his sentence runs its course in November is concerning for Calgarians. CCASA Executive Director Danielle Aubry was interviewed by the Calgary Herald about this case. Read the full article here
CONNECT & CCASA in the news

Yesterday was an exciting day for CCASA as our partner ‘CONNECT Family and Sexual Abuse Network’ held their official launch to the public. The event attracted plenty of attention both from the media and the public and was a great success. Click here to visit CONNECT Family and Sexual Abuse Network’s new website. Click on the following […]
Happy Valentines Day and Welcome to ‘CONNECT Family & Sexual Abuse Network’

Welcome to the community ‘CONNECT Family & Sexual Abuse Network’!!!! Happy Valentines Day! We couldn’t be more excited because today our partners “CONNECT Family & Sexual Abuse Network” are holding their official public launch and the launch of their We’ll be celebrating alongside several other fantastic agencies throughout the city at Chinook Mall in […]
CCASA is moving…TODAY

CCASA is moving…. TODAY! Due to unforeseen circumstances we are moving to our new office all day today. If you have an appointment today please proceed to the Sheldon Chumir. Our phone service will not be interrupted during this move. Thank you for your cooperation during this transition period, we are excited to get settled […]
CCASA is moving!

We have found our new home in Calgary, and will be moving on January 29th, 2011. We are sad to be saying goodbye to our old office in the YWCA Building (7th Floor, Mary Dover House, 320-5th Avenue S.E.). After January 29th, you can find us in our new location in the Northland Building: Suite […]
CCASA helps raise over $4,000 for the United Way of Calgary

During the month of November CCASA helped raise money for the United Way of Calgary. Together we raised over $4,000 through various efforts during the month and had 100 per cent staff participation. We couldn’t have done this without these generous donors who help make it possible for the United Way of Calgary to provide […]
CCASA in the News

CCASA would like to thank all the media outlets and supporters who have helped spread the word about our waitlist and our request for support. Donations of all sorts have already come in, from offers of volunteering and furniture for a new counselling room, to much needed money to hire counsellors, but we’re still a […]