Police and Court Support
The Police and Court Support Team exists specifically to support and advocate for people who have experienced sexual violence as they navigate the legal system or are considering doing so. We provide specialized information, education, and support to people who have experienced sexual assault recently or in the past, as well as their families.

For people who have experienced sexual violence, choosing to engage in the criminal justice system or the civil system is often a difficult and complex decision.
For many people who have experienced sexual abuse and sexual assault, choosing to engage in the criminal or civil legal systems is a difficult and overwhelming decision. It is full of language and lengthy processes that you may not be familiar with. Whether you are thinking about reporting an assault or are already involved in reporting to the police, we are here to support you.
We help provide support and information with a variety of issues including:
- Answering questions about your options in reporting
- Information about the criminal justice system and its processes
- Accompanying you to the police, the crown prosecutor office and court
- Emotional support throughout the process and afterwards
- Assistance writing a Victim Impact Statement
- Assistance filling out Victim Compensation forms
- Making the appropriate referrals
If you have questions about legal options, processes related to a recent or past sexual assault and this program please call 403-237-5888 or email info@calgarycasa.com.