Press Release – Sexual Abuse Awareness a Double-Edged Sword

The following is a press release CCASA sent out to various media outlets yesterday. Click here for the PDF version of the Press Release Calgary – For the first time in its history Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse (CCASA) is appealing to the public for donations to help address long waitlists for counselling services. “We have over […]
Mythbusting Monday: Human Sex Trafficking only happens in foreign countries

Human sex trafficking. It’s a problem that has reached an all time high in places like Cambodia and India. It is an ever growing problem in Eastern Europe and has the United Nations creating an international set of guidelines to help protect victims. It is estimated that 2 children are trafficked for sexual exploitation every […]
Mythbusting Monday: Rape can’t happen in a marriage

Does getting married mean you give up the rights to your own body? Once consent is given, is it given forever? How can a husband or wife rape their spouse? Rape is rape, regardless of the relationship a victim has with their aggressor. The person who commits sexual assault might be a stranger, a coach, […]
A Simple Truth – she was 12, she was sexually assaulted – lets start there

The following is an editorial letter CCASA Executive Director Danielle Aubry sent to various media outlets regarding the sexual assault of a 12-year-old in Calgary on Monday, September 6, 2010. Unfortunately, the letter did not get printed, but we decided to share it for the readers of our site. In 24-hours I witnessed the public […]
CCASA responds to media about sexual assault on 12 year old Monday afternoon

CCASA’s executive director (Danielle Aubry) has been talking to the media recently regarding a case in Calgary where a twelve year old girl was allegedly sexually assaulted by a 16-year old in a schoolyard on Monday afternoon. Danielle spoke to Access Primetime, CBC and CTV regarding this incident.
CCASA’s Executive Direcrtor delivers key note speech at rape symposium

Check out Danielle Aubry’s (CCASA’s executive director) key note speech for the symposium ‘Breaking the Silence: Rape as a weapon of War’. Breaking the Silence: Rape as a Weapon of War from CalgaryCASA on Vimeo.
Mythbuster Monday: Women don’t commit sexual assault

A Philadelphia woman has filed a law suit against Disney after claiming to have been groped by Donald Duck at Disney World in Florida. April Magolon claims a Disney employee dressed in a Donald Duck costume grabbed her breast and made lewd sexual comments after she approached the character for an autograph at Epcot Centre. Many […]
‘Ruined’ premiers tonight!

Ruined premiers tonight to a sold out show and has received even more press coverage. Calgary Herald journalist Stephen Hunt talks to the cast about the play and the serious issues it deals with in today’s Entertainment section, page E3. ‘Ruined’ cast members talk about their charectars attempts at dealing with having been raped and […]
Mythbusting Monday: If it’s done in the name of science, it’s not abuse

Several news outlets have recently reported on a program in BC which performed tests on young sex offenders in provincial youth facilities to determine the probability of repeating their sexual crimes after receiving treatment. The testing involved attaching sensors to the genitals of convicted offenders as young as 13 to determine their level of arousal […]
CCASA in the news

Check out the recent media attention both CCASA and Ellipsis Tree Collective recieved last night regarding the play Ruined which opens on August 13, 2010 by clicking here.