
Alberta’s One Line for Sexual Assault: 

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Support and Information Line 403–237–5888


Alberta's One Line for Sexual Violence 1–866–403–8000
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“Who Do You Tell?”™ Program

The “Who Do You Tell?”™ (“WDYT?”™) Program is a child sexual abuse education program for elementary school children, their teachers and parents. Two experienced educators deliver the “WDYT”™ program in elementary schools to individual classes from Kindergarten to Grade six. The program has the approval of the Public and Catholic Boards of Education.

The magnitude of the problem of child sexual abuse and the resulting consequences for children, their families and society increases the need for appropriate, accurate and ethical child sexual abuse education. Children who have been sexually abused are at a greater risk to experience short and long term trauma symptoms. These include:

  • not feeling safe in the world
  • difficulty trusting themselves and others
  • low self esteem, anger
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • over achieving
  • significant and varied fears about the world
  • running away
  • dropping out of school
  • or becoming involved with the Criminal Justice system.

Prevention of child sexual abuse and early intervention for child victims will benefit children and their families and reduce the rate of many of these difficulties.

CCASA does not believe that children are responsible for preventing or stopping sexual abuse. We do believe that children can be given information about this issue just as they receive other safety information about other areas of concerns such as water/pool safety, crossing the street safety, being home alone safety, and fire safety. It is important they know enough information in order to have some options should something happen to them. More importantly, CCASA believes that parents and teachers need information about this issue and how to address it with their children and/or in the event that something happens to a child they know. Parents are encouraged to be the primary educators for their children beginning at an early age, concerning child sexual abuse and are taught how to talk comfortably with them on this sensitive topic. Parents and teachers are taught to identify indicators of child sexual abuse, and are given support and information on how to deal with disclosures of child sexual abuse. Overall, CCASA believes that education and information empowers individuals to take action in response to child sexual abuse.

Our “Who Do You Tell?”™ Program has been evaluated very successfully for its effectiveness and is a program that is delivered ethically and appropriately and within the context of community and professional support for the program.

This education works to reduce the risk of child sexual abuse and its effects on victims and families. Risk will also be reduced through the potential early detection of young sexual offenders who may be abusing. This will enable children and adolescents who are currently offending to receive treatment earlier in their lives.

For more information about CCASA’s “Who Do You Tell?”™ Program or to arrange a presentation for your school or children’s group, please send an email to education@calgarycasa.com.

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