- Acknowledge that sexual assault happens and learn about the nature and extent of sexual assault.
- Question the offender’s behavior instead of questioning the survivor’s behavior.
- Challenge offensive behavior such as sexist language, bragging about sexual conquests or negative comments about either gender.
- Learn what consent is and is not.
- Be open to hearing about the topic of sexual assault, and about people’s experiences of sexual assault.
- Ask your partner for sexual activity and respect her/his answer.
- Talk about sexual activity.
- Raise children to respect their future partners.
- Question what you hear in the media about sexual assault, and what the media is not telling you.
- Support the prosecution of perpetrators to the fullest extent.
- Raise children to be comfortable to talk about sex in an open and healthy manner.
- Volunteer at a Sexual Assault Center.
- Support your local Sexual Assault Centre by donating to their programs.
- Examine how your own behavior may contribute to the problem of sexual assault.
- Respect your fellow human beings.
30 Years of CCASA
Today marks a monumental milestone for CCASA – 30 years of unwavering commitment to supporting, educating, and empowering